Friday, March 20, 2020

Space Kitties Charter School Diary - Episode 2

March 18, 2020

So far, our favorite part of home schooling is the sleeping in part. Well, the kids sleep in. I get up at 5:30am to do yoga, eat breakfast, shower (sometimes), and get ready for the day. This morning I was at my computer ready for work at 7am, and the kids rolled out of bed between 7:30-8am.

While I was embroiled in a 2-hour video conference call this morning, the kids interrupted me approximately 72 times to ask questions about how to do their assignments or how to login to their online classroom resources. The internet is their native language and suddenly they have no clue on how to interface with technology. Go figure. Even at this very early stage, I'm over trying to appear engaged on video conference calls for work. Now that the whole country is home schooling, I'm just assuming people can give me some grace and pretend not to notice when I'm talking to my kids or interrupted by the cat who needs some attention.

Our lessons today went pretty smoothly (other than the aforementioned 72 questions during the 2-hour video conference).  My 3rd grader colored and labeled the different layers of the earth and practiced his cursive pretty much without assistance. My 5th grader did her online math practice and writing exercises mostly independently. We laughed together at some point during the day. There were no tears (other than the somewhat irrational tears that sprung to my eyes while watching this goofy video from the school administrator.) And although our garage/classroom was "too cold" for class today it is now properly decorated with a Space Kitties Charter School banner. So we're classing things up a bit and making this a professional operation.

On day two of home school, we took our second field trip to pick up the free lunch being distributed at school. The kids never get school lunch, so this was a pretty big treat. And by treat I mean the entire meal was basically dessert: Chocolate milk, Doritos, Apple juice, Uncrustable PB&J sandwich, some kind of mystery frozen fruit smoothie thing and baby carrots. If this is the post-Michelle-Obama lunch, I'd hate to see what school lunches looked like pre-Obama.

I don't know how homeschool moms and dads do this without peer support. I was on a Facebook discussion group at least three times today looking for advice, asking questions and complaining. I'm thankful to have a motley crew of mamas to turn to when the going gets rough or I just don't understand the teacher instructions. I have a call scheduled tomorrow with my sister in law so she can help me speak the language of common core math. I told my son to "carry the one" today and he looked at me like I was from outer space. I guess we're all going to get schooled together during this adventure!

Clean hands. Open Hearts. Growing Minds.

Space Kitties signing off.

Home School Day: 2
Toilet paper inventory: 10 rolls
Wine on hand: 2.5 bottles
Crying fits: None

March 19, 2020
The home school operation has officially moved to daddy's house for the remainder of the week! Phew. I was planning to use this time of quiet and solitude to get caught up on work, but my brain is still largely incapable of focusing for large periods of time. I find myself getting distracted by checking the news, watching social media, and generally just a lot of staring at the screen waiting for words to come.

I don't feel particularly scared of this COVID-19 drama....but I do feel unsettled. I find myself wondering about what kind of groceries will be available the next time I go to the store, or how other kids are doing homeschool if their parents don't have time or interest in doing any kind of home learning. It feels a bit like 2018 when the Carr Fire was raging through our region. With such big news going on in the background, it's tough to focus in on anything else.

I did get out for a walk with a friend today, and enjoyed some sunshine and fresh air. We joked about how we might need to sneak out for walks if a Shelter in Place order came through. And then a few hours later, the Governor of CA issued a "Stay Home" order for the whole state. Doesn't seem so funny anymore. I guess after massive wildfires we should be thankful that nothing is burning. After rolling black-outs, we can be happy there is electricity. After a few days of rain, I'm appreciating the sunshine. And of course, having a home in which to stay put is a blessing that many don't enjoy.

Clean hands. Open Hearts. Growing Minds.

Space Kitties signing off, until next week!

Home School Day: 3
Toilet paper inventory: 9 rolls
Wine on hand: 2.5 bottles
Crying fits: None

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I agree about not feeling scared, but definitely unsettled. It reminds me of watching hurricanes as a kid (and adult). Like the Carr fire for you, it's a constant "what it" that sucks focus and energy from everything else.
